Achieving balance puts into action the Queensland Government's commitment to prevent and reduce problematic use of alcohol and other drugs.
The use of alcohol and other drugs is part of the lives of many Queenslanders. It occurs across a continuum - from occasional use to dependence. Most use is responsible and within recommended guidelines, but harmful use can occur at any point on the continuum, affecting Queensland communities and people of all ages.
Harmful use can have significant consequences for individuals, families, communities and the economy.
However, the wide-ranging effects of harmful use can be prevented or minimised.
Alcohol and other drug harm can be complex, and responses must be multi-faceted if they are to be effective. To minimise the impacts of harm, cross sector action is needed, in areas including housing, child safety, corrections, health, justice, employment, education and policing.
The strategic priorities of this plan reflect the far-reaching effects of problematic alcohol and other drugs use, and the important contribution that a wide range of government agencies and the non-government and private sectors can make to achieve better outcomes for individuals, families, communities and the system.
Effective harm minimisation relies on balanced investment and effort across the harm reduction, demand reduction and supply reduction pillars.
A qualified, skilled and knowledgeable specialist alcohol and other drug workforce throughout Queensland is critical to a well-functioning treatment system.
Recognising people's vulnerability and addressing the underlying causes of problematic alcohol and drug use can reduce harm.
Responding to the complexity of alcohol and other drug-related harm will contribute to a resilient and thriving Queensland.
Harm can be reduced through collective action to develop connected and informed planning, share information and leverage local and regional experience and knowledge.
Queensland Mental Health Commission
PO Box 13027 George Street Brisbane Queensland 4003
Phone 1300 855 945 | Fax 07 3405 9780
Copyright © 2019 Queensland Mental Health Commission. All rights reserved.