Queensland trauma strategy 

trauma icon in green NB

Consultation website

The Commission is developing a Queensland trauma strategy that will focus on the prevention of trauma, improving the supports provided to people who have experienced trauma (and their families and friends), and reducing the long term impact on individuals and the Queensland community.

The development of a trauma strategy is also a recommendation of the Queensland Parliamentary Mental Health Select Committee's Inquiry into the opportunities to improve mental health outcomes for Queenslanders.

To develop the strategy, we will be engaging with people with lived experience, families and carers, a broad range of stakeholders, and the Queensland community.

Read more about the trauma strategy project

Invitation for submissions

Consultations to develop a Queensland trauma strategy are underway, marking a pivotal step towards enhancing how we understand, prevent and reduce the impact of trauma on individuals, families and communities.

Extensive research has been conducted to ensure that the strategy is grounded within the contemporary evidence base, current best practice, the Queensland context and the voices of people with Lived-Living Experience.

The research has looked at trauma, and in particular, preventing and reducing the impact of trauma, across the life course, for a range of diverse needs, experiences, contexts and environments.

Our efforts aim to ensure that the Queensland trauma strategy prevents, builds awareness, and best meets the needs of Queenslanders.

Consultation sessions

The Commission is partnering with lived-living experience peak bodies to facilitate targeted consultations. 

To find out more contact Giovanna Franze at shiftingminds@qmhc.qld.gov.au 

Join the conversation

We invite you to make a submission to contribute to the development of the strategy. Your contribution will play a vital role in shaping the strategy. You can contribute in several ways:

1. Respond to the research

Share your insights by responding to some key questions designed to harness your perspectives and recommendations. Click the button below.

2. Make a general submission

If you prefer not to comment on the discussion papers, you are welcome to make a general submission sharing your views and recommendations on developing a Queensland trauma strategy. 

Email submissions are now closed.

Your wellbeing is our priority

We understand that discussing or reflecting on trauma can be challenging and may bring up strong emotions. Support is available if you feel distressed at any point or wish to talk to someone.

Please visit our website for a list of resources and contacts to find professional support and guidance. Your wellbeing is our priority, and we encourage you to seek support.

Consultation papers

Consultation papers are sorted into four areas:

  1. Importance of concepts and context
  2.  Across the life course
  3. Supporting diverse needs and experiences
  4. Specific contexts and environments

* Please note, some papers are yet to be loaded to the site.

QMHC Discussion paper - Trauma Introduction-plain-text_version2_Page_1

 Importance of concepts & context 

 Across the life course 

QMHC Trauma Strategy - Pregnancy and Early Parenting_Page_01-1

Pregnancy & early parenting

QMHC Trauma Strategy - Infant and Early Childhood_Page_01-1

Infants & young children

IMAGE_QMHC Trauma Strategy Consultation Paper_Children


QMHC Discussion paper - Trauma in young people-plain-text

Young people / young adults

Phoenix Australia - QMHC paper prevalence and impact of trauma in adults_FINAL _Page_01



Older age / Seniors

 Supporting diverse needs and experiences 

Prevalence and Impacts of Trauma in First Nations Communities QLD_Page_1

First Nations peoples 

WoG Trauma Strategy Refugee Experience_Page_01

CALD communities

LGBTIQ SB Rapid Review updated 4 March 2024_Page_01

LGBTIQA+ community

Trauma and disability_final_Page_1-1

People with disability

Phoenix Australia - QMHC paper on prevalence and impact of trauma in high-risk professions_FINAL_Page_01

High-risk professions

QMHC_discussion paper_DFV_FINAL_Page_01

Family & domestic violence

 Specific contexts and environments 

Disaster guidance consultation paper_Page_1

Disasters / Mass adverse events


Problematic AOD use & trauma

2024-04-16 Evidence summary- Trauma informed approaches to suicide prevention__Page_01

Suicide prevention & trauma