Consultation report 

Renewing Queensland's alcohol and other drugs plan has provided an opportunity to re-imagine and improve our approaches to the management of alcohol and other drug issues in the state and lay the foundations for tangible and lasting reform.

The consultation report describes the consultative and participatory processes that the Commission employed to support the development of a renewed alcohol and other drug plan for Queensland, and outlines the key themes, issues and potential solutions identified by consultation participants.

A series of consultation papers written by independent subject matter experts and were based on key themes identified during initial consultations. 

The key themes identified through the consultation process focused on: 

  • strengthening prevention and early intervention
  • enhancing treatment and support systems
  • reducing involvement with the criminal justice system
  • reducing stigma and discrimination
  • reducing alcohol and other drugs-related harm, with a focus on alcohol-related harm. 

The consultations identified priorities at the individual, population and system level.

Leading Reform webinar - Alcohol and Other Drugs - 25 February 2021

Ivan Frkovic
Queensland Mental Health Commissioner

Assoc. Prof. Nicola Newton
The University of Sydney

Eddie Fewings
Qld Aboriginal and Islander Health Council

Dr Jeremy Hayllar
Lives Lived Well and Metro North HHS

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The pandemic's impact 

Cross-population harm

Authors: Professor Leanne Hides, Dr Caroline Salom, Dr Molly Carlyle, Dr Jennifer Juckel and Dr Janni Leung, University of Queensland.

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Stigma and discrimination

A significant issue and barrier

Authors: Clare Mason and Danielle Dawson, University of Queensland

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Workforce capacity

Trends, challenges and sustainability

Author: Queensland Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies

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Identifying & implementing best practice

Author: Professor Maree Teesson, University of Sydney Matilda Centre

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Harm minimisation

Balancing the three pillars

Author: Professor Nicole Lee, National Drug Research Institute (NDRI)

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Alcohol-related harm

The most harmful substance overall

Authors: Michael Livingston, Mia Miller and Emmanuel Kuntsche, La Trobe University Centre for Alcohol Policy Research

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Vulnerable young people

Addressing trauma and alcohol & drug use

Authors: Pamele Edwards, Pamela Analytics and Clare Mason

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First Nations people

Strengthening cultural protective factors

Author: Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council and the Institute for Collaborative Race Research

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Options for reform

The evidence and the case for change

Author: Professor Alison Ritter, Drug Policy Modelling Program, University of New South Wales

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