
Focus Area 4

Enable Reform
Strengthen the systemic enablers for reform

Foundational enablers are the critical elements and systemic changes required to prevent and reduce the impact of trauma and promote mental health and wellbeing for Queenslanders.

Priority areas and actions

Strengthen human rights approaches to trauma

In Queensland, as in other parts of Australia, the cultural knowledge of First Nations peoples endures as the foundation for strong identity and connection. It is the source of resilience, survival and excellence for all First Nations peoples.


Explore the intersection between trauma and human rights within the current legislative context
to determine if changes are needed.


Embed human rights leadership and culture across all of government, including meeting
statutory obligations to include relevant information relating to human rights in annual reports.

Build trauma-informed workforces

Re-traumatisation that occurs within systems—whether healthcare, justice or social services—can severely impact the healing process and make existing trauma worse. The system needs to be more trauma-informed to prevent these outcomes.


Co-produce with people with a lived-living experience, a Queensland trauma core competencies framework, training program and evaluation tool across the four practice levels, to build a shared approach and understanding of focus and scope in responding to trauma.


Enhance support and sustainability strategies (including comprehensive planning, training,
recruitment, retention and specialist programs) for workforces and professions that frequently
respond to traumatic incidents, such as emergency services, police, and other health and human service workforces.


Embed evidence-based trauma-related curriculum in higher education courses for a wide range of professions that work across health and human services.

Strengthen governance and accountability mechanisms

This strategy is committed to strengthening communities’ capacity and capability to reduce the impact of trauma and foster healing. This approach recognises that communities themselves are best placed to lead localised and tailored approaches that reflect and respond to their needs.


Develop trauma-informed leadership across Queensland Government agencies for greater
accountability, promoting transparency and facilitating continuous improvement.

Prioritise lived-living leadership and expertise

This strategy is committed to strengthening communities’ capacity and capability to reduce the impact of trauma and foster healing. This approach recognises that communities themselves are best placed to lead localised and tailored approaches that reflect and respond to their needs.


Engage with people who have experienced trauma to design, deliver and evaluate policies, processes and systems where appropriate.

Fund and resource for sustainable implementation

This strategy is committed to strengthening communities’ capacity and capability to reduce the impact of trauma and foster healing. This approach recognises that communities themselves are best placed to lead localised and tailored approaches that reflect and respond to their needs.


Ensure security of longer-term funding arrangements to enhance sustainability, growth, workforce
retention, and accessibility and availability of supports and services for people who have experienced trauma or adversity.


Explore opportunities to enable a holistic approach to resourcing domestic and family violence-informed responses across Queensland Government agencies.

Enhance cross-sector partnership and collaboration

This strategy is committed to strengthening communities’ capacity and capability to reduce the impact of trauma and foster healing. This approach recognises that communities themselves are best placed to lead localised and tailored approaches that reflect and respond to their needs.


Enhance collaboration, information sharing and cross-agency training to foster a shared
understanding of trauma-informed principles across Queensland Government agencies.

Improve innovation, evaluation and knowledge translation

Comprehensively integrating trauma-informed approaches across systems in Queensland will help improve outcomes for individuals, groups and communities impacted by trauma.


Ensure Queensland Government policies and planning across all portfolio areas reflect
contemporary evidence about trauma and trauma-informed practice, including trauma experienced
in diverse contexts and diverse groups, communities and population groups.


Enhance data collection and linkage methods, tools, frameworks and practice protocols across
Queensland Government agencies that build knowledge of how to prevent and minimise the
impacts of traumatic experiences and how to better implement trauma-informed responses across
multiple settings and contexts.